Senin, 16 April 2018

Characteristics of ADHD in Children

Characteristics of ADHD in Children - Those who live with a child and youth who have ADHD know that daily treatment requires more attention. However, even daily contact with them may raise some questions from parents and professionals.

For starters, it is important to say that not all ADHD is hyperactivity, but one rule among them is inattention. This is of great importance to the medical or pedagogical team that will evaluate the young person and the child. Remember that information is everything, besides helping in the search for the best treatment.

Important to know

ADHD is a genetic, hereditary, neurobiological disorder. This means that the disorder identified in the child may come from the father or mother; a cousin or an aunt. ADHD also finds in environmental factors reasons for its occurrence, namely: birth with low weight, premature babies or mother who smokes during pregnancy.

The use of other drugs, including alcohol, may also influence the onset of the disorder in children. Therefore, all care is little during the gestation period and medical follow-up is essential.

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ADHD in two types
ADHD presents two distinct types, with one important detail: the combined ADHD is one in which the child presents hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention deficit. Already inattentive ADHD is characterized when the child shows only lack of attention.

At what age can ADHD manifest itself?
ADHD usually manifests before 7 years of age. In 95% of them, the disorder develops before age 12. It is important to note that ADHD occurs in the developmental phase of the child.

Some Facts About ADHD
The disorder affects 6% of children (or 11% in some statistics) and 3% of adults. The attention deficit causes great losses to the child in what concerns the learning. It is important to note that 80% of children with the disorder have a high chance of continuing ADHD in adolescence. From adolescence to adulthood, this number goes to 50%


ADHD is an excessive difficulty in maintaining focus on an activity that requires prolonged mental effort; an activity that needs to be performed with rules, predetermined deadlines. In addition, children with attention deficit have difficulty getting started and finishing their tasks.

Another difficulty is to review situations and errors; difficulty in drawing conclusions, synthesis, and attitude analysis. Children with ADHD tend to be more overlooked, disorganized and get lost in tasks. In addition, there are more features:

- They tend to have lower school grades and income;

- They can be completely introspective;

- The problem of memorization, the capacity of organization and interiorization of concepts and learning;

Late diagnosis is always harmful
Searching for the diagnosis too late can cause considerable gaps in the learning process of reading and math. This will certainly cause troubling difficulties in the student's academic life.

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And in school?

In the classroom, it is important to know and know the diagnosis. It is important for the educator to know if the child is being properly medicated. Then, it is imperative to improve didactics (objectively), change the tone of voice, teach interestingly; everything so that she feels rewarded by the learning process.

Appropriate treatment

The child needs to be evaluated in a global and interdisciplinary way so that professionals can see if there are other comorbidities and, thus, propose an appropriate intervention for the proper treatment.

ADHD Meaning in Spanish

ADHD Meaning in Spanish -  ¿Qué significa adhd?

ADHD son las siglas de una alteración de la salud, en realidad se refiere a un Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad. En tiempos anteriores se le conocía como un Trastorno por Déficit de Atención. Una persona que presenta este problema pierde la capacidad en el control de mantenerse quieta, concentrarse e incluso prestar atención.

El problema se presenta en el cerebro, específicamente la parte que controla el cerebro, por tanto existen varios temas o acciones que no puede realizar, sin embargo, si desea llevar a cabo acciones complejas pueden entran en un ataque de “nervios”, actuar impulsivamente y ocasionar otros problemas.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) afecta a niños y adolescentes y puede continuar hasta la edad adulta. El ADHD es el trastorno mental más comúnmente diagnosticado de los niños. Los niños con ADHD pueden ser hiperactivos e incapaces de controlar sus impulsos. O pueden tener problemas para prestar atención. Estos comportamientos interfieren con la vida escolar y hogareña.

Es más común en niños que en niñas. Por lo general, se descubre durante los primeros años de la escuela, cuando un niño comienza a tener problemas para prestar atención.

Los adultos con ADHD pueden tener problemas para administrar el tiempo, organizarse, establecer objetivos y mantener un trabajo. También pueden tener problemas con las relaciones, la autoestima y la adicción.