ADD Symptoms
These are articles that explain symptoms and signs associated with ADD and how to deal with them. It also explains the three types of Child Attention Deficit Disorder. Many times ADD goes unnoticed unless you are aware of the signs to watch out for.
Questions to ask yourself about whether a child has ADHD.
Is it really ADHD? There are many signs and symptoms to look for. Here are a few questions to assess whether a child has ADHD.
Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms
ADD is usually identified through diagnosis of attention deficit disorder symptoms. The attention deficit disorder symptoms like hyperactivity, forgetfulness, daydreaming, and more are just guidelines for the healthcare specialists. These attention deficit disorder symptoms may be observed sporadically in normal people. So what is the Difference?
Three Types of Child Attention Deficit Disorder
Child Attention Deficit Disorder exhibits three of the major types of Attention Deficit Disorder. And although Child Attention Deficit Disorder seems to exist worldwide, at least in the countries tested thus far, boys have been found to be afflicted with Child Attention Deficit Disorder more than girls, with a ratio of 3:1
Picking out the signs of Attention Deficit Disorder in an individual is not an easy job. Researches show that distraction, inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity are all sign of attention deficit disorder. But the diagnosis has to be based over a period of time which would suggest that these are not just one off incidents that can happen to anybody.
Symptoms of ADHD to Look for in Your Child
According to the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders”, there are three patterns of behavior that indicate ADHD. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, predominantly inattentive type, and combined type.
Other Disorders That Sometimes Accompany ADHD
There are many disorders that accompany ADHD. Conduct disorder, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and many others. They all have signs to watch for. Some signs are, controlling, depressed, tired and irritable.
Signs of Hyperactivity-impulsivity
Hyperactivity-impulsivity children have a lot of energy and are constantly “on the go”. They often feel restless, fidgety and often just like to blurt out what is on there mind. These are a few signs of hyperactivity-impulsivity.
The Inattentive Child And ADD
Children who are inattentive have a hard time focusing on any one thing. Often new things are frustrating for them. Children diagnosed with inattentive type of ADHD should not be overlooked. These children don’t show significant problems with impulsivity and over activity. Some things to look for are inattentiveness, easily distracted, forgetting things and many others.
Sometimes ADHD Goes Unnoticed Until the Child Goes to School
Some parents notice some signs of ADHD in there child before they are in school. Most often these signs or symptoms are recognized from there teacher. Because teachers work with many children, they come to know how “average” children behave in a learning situation.