The Natural Solution To ADD/ADHD: Drugging Your Child Is NOT The Answer!!!
ADD/ADHD: What Is It?
There's often nothing more frustrating than seeing a child, or being an adolescent, who experiences learning problems, or LD (Learning Disorder) and ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
These children may often be out of control, over-stimulated, under-stimulated, or experience uncontrolled stimulation patterns throughout their sensorium, exhibiting behavioral patterns which are difficult to explain and which often disrupt an entire household.
Attention Deficit (and its many forms: ADD/ADHD/LD) is a dysfunction of the Central Nervous System (CNS), most specifically the Reticular Activating System, which results in difficulties of maintaining attention and concentration, learning and memory, as well as involving an inability to process and sort out incoming information or stimulus from both an child's inner (subjective) and outer (objective) worlds. It may manifest itself in undue passivity or inattentiveness, or unruly, uncontrollable, aggressive hyperactivity in an affected child.
Common Neural Processing & Behavioral Traits of an Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Child (ADD/ADHD/LD):
1: Gives up easily on tasks, assignments and self-interests.
2: Poor reality testing skills, and avoidant of reason or logic.
3: Poorly developed skills of integration, interpolation and extrapolation.
4: Poor skills of attention and concentration, unable to sustain focus of interest.
5: Difficulties in short term and long term memory acquisition and management.
6: Difficulty in making up their mind, or making choices without undue anxiety.
7: Poor planning abilities, unable to follow through consistently or complete tasks.
8: Difficulty in differentiating between competing, extraneous stimulation.
9: Easily distracted from tasks, conversations or social interactions.
10: Often over-stimulated and over-sensitized to their surroundings.
11: Poor listening skills, often interrupts others, abruptly changes topic.
12: Overly excitable, reactive and easily perseverating from one situation to another.
13: Inability to manage emotional responses, temper tantrums.
14: Easily frustrated, emotionally labile/unstable leading to immediate changeable moods and behavioral inconsistencies.
15: Often hyperactive, fidgety, overwhelmed with feelings of restlessness.
16: Inability to maintain appropriate social conduct, often disruptive in school.
17: Experiences difficulty in following instructions and guidance.
18: Impatient, continuing difficulties in delaying gratification.
19: Overly demanding, may become self-destructive and aggressive.
20: Poor sleep patterns, often not rested, angry or despondent upon rising.
*If 8 or more of the above listed traits are continuously persistent in your child's behavior, then it is recommended that you see your child's pediatrician for possible ADD/ADHD diagnosis.
What Are The Causes Of Attention Deficit?
Attention Deficit is a limiting metabolic dysfunction of the Reticular Activating System, the center of consciousness that coordinates learning and memory, and which normally supplies the appropriate neural connections necessary for smooth information processing and clear, non-stressful attention. When neural building materials are lacking, demand for further connectivity cannot easily be fulfilled, interfering with the efficient processing of information, and frustrating the ADD/ADHD/LD child.
In other words, neural "hardware" remains in limited production (there's not enough of it), and supply cannot keep up with the demand (increasing stimulus or "traffic") for new neural connections within the Central Nervous System (CNS). Demands for new learning, memory, and the management of information processing cannot be satisfied, and the insufficient "connections" result in existing neural pathways being repeatedly overworked and over stressed, often resulting in complete gridlock or shutdown so that nothing gets processed thereafter. This, most noticeably, generates frustration, bewilderment and behavioral problems in the Attention Deficit child.
The Reticular Activating System appears to be intimately involved in the neural mechanisms which produce consciousness and focused attention, receiving impulses from the spinal cord and relaying them to the Thalamus, and from there to the Cortex, and back again in a feedback loop to the Hippocampus/Thalamus/ Hypothalamus and participating neural structures in order for learning and memory to take place. Without continual excitation of cortical neurons by reticular activation impulses, a child is unconscious and cannot be aroused. When stimulation is enough for consciousness but not for attentiveness, ADD or LD results. If too activated, a child cannot relax or concentrate (and is over-stimulated or hyperactive) often resulting in ADHD.
How Does This Limitation Affect A Child's Perceptual Abilities?
Although Attention Deficit starts in the brain, it really involves the entire sensorium (vision, smell, touch, hearing, etc.) as well as the inner world of cognition and emotion. When deprived of the required number of neural connections needed to process the "traffic" smoothly, competition between various stimulus results. Overly competitive stimulation from multiple external and internal sources (too much visual stimulation, too much sound stimulation, too many internal feelings and emotions, etc.) can cause undue frustration, irritation, aggression and anxiety. When the limited neural network is overly taxed in this regard, it becomes unable to "tune in" or focus on some stimulation, while "tuning out," or "turning down" (attenuating) other stimulation.
This lack of ability to focus on some particular stimulus while attenuating others, creates undue "noise" in the perceptual systems within the brain. For the Attention Deficit child, this perceptual "neural-noise" is so overly noxious and continuous that it appears to be competitively assaultive, crippling any attempt to concentrate on one stimulus while attenuating others. Feelings of helplessness and anxiety are often overwhelming, forcing an Attention Deficit child to look for ways in which to survive the assaultive nature of their world.
A number of strategies are possible, but two are generally the most common and most easily documented. The first is that of an ADHD child. ADHD's are hypothesized to have ample supplies of Acetylcholine and clear, lipofuscin-free, unobstructed Cholinergic pathways, allowing them to actively compete and overwhelm the intrusive messages. Thus, an ADHD child attempts to operate at a "noisier" level (becoming intensely hyperactive), trying to "shout-down" the crowded array of competing stimulation within their brain.
ADD's and LD's are hypothesized to have low Acetylcholine levels and adverse lipofuscin populations within the Cholinergic neural pathways, making a competitive response more difficult and trying. For both an ADD and LD child, it becomes so "noisy" that it becomes necessary to shut down all processing of the senses altogether, avoiding and deflecting all stimulation. The incessant cacophony of "neural-noises" produces a powerfully competitive "numbing," almost hypnotic agent, and an ADHD child simply "gives up" to the competitively powerful undifferentiated "white-neural-noise" being generated by their sensorium because the neural-thresholds of the sensorium have over-fired and can no longer be sustained. Thus, unlike another child (children), the ADD and LD child simply "shut-down" and "tune-out," producing high Theta and/or Alpha brain waves (see brain maps below).
Relative Power Z-Score Maps from Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG)

The brain maps on the left (1&2) are of normal children: a 14 year old female and 9 year old male. The ones on the right (3&4) are ADD children: a different 14 year old female and a different 9 year old male. Notice how the two ADD children (3&4) demonstrate high (more red) Theta and Alpha activity in their maps than do the normal children, respectively. High Theta wave actvity is generally associated with drowsiness; High Alpha activity is generally associated with idleness. The ADD results (3&4) are characteristic of states of non-attentiveness, and too little stimulation of the reticular activating system, and probable inadequate number of connections. Thus the ADD/LD child can effectively "tune-out" his/her environment. In contrast, the normal children's results of low Alpha and Theta wave activity (1&2) are characteristic of alertness and focused attentiveness, demonstrating adequate stimulation of the reticular activating system, and thus, an adequate number of neural connections.
What Can Be Done To Correct This Dysfunction Of The Reticular Activating System?
Fortunately, when appropriate (1) neural building materials, (2) precursors to neurotransmitters and (3) an appropriate fund of neural buffers are supplied, neural networks may be created and forged quickly in order to meet the increasing demands of heavy neural traffic, especially in the prepubescent child. In fact, given the chance, individual neurons can grow at the rate of 3-5mm per day! And, there are roughly 100 billion neurons in the brain to be developed, along with a staggering 900 billion supporting glial ("helper") cells -- a grand total of one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) cells to be nurtured -- that's 10 times the number of stars estimated to be in our galaxy!
Are These Neural Building Materials Really All That Important?
Yes, they are! One half of the dry weight of the brain (neurons, glial and brain cells) is made up of fatty acids and lipids. The "hard neural connections," or synapses, between all these essential areas of the brain where the coordination of memory and learning take place is largely made possible by the structures of Fatty Acids and Phospholipids alone. And, the physical number of neural connections then potentiates further production of neurotransmitters and neural buffers, which in turn enhances memory processing and learning even more. If these essential building blocks of the brain's "hardware" and "software" are not adequately provided for, then many "connections" will simply not be made or developed. The good news is that Vaxa's product Attend, supplies these important factors (see below)!
The basic "Hardware" of the Central Nervous System must be in place in order for memory and learning to proceed efficiently. The more neurons there are that can make "connections" with other neurons, the more efficient and easy learning and remembering may become. Without such "connectivity," learning is often frustrated and impaired as it is with an Attention Deficit child. Below is a diagram of a Multipolar neuron with multiple extentions from the cell body, and an actual micrograph of a Bipolar neuron with 2 extensions from the cell body.

Composite Structure of Neuron & Scanning Electron Micrograph of a Neuron

What Is Attend?
Vaxa's Attend is a Safe, All Natural, Doctor-formulated Homeopathic Medicine and Nutraceutical/Nutritional combination remedy, which is "on-file" with the FDA and carries a National Drug Control Number (NDC# 67514-0266-3) on the label.
It is specifically engineered to help support the function of the Central Nervous System of any child who is inclined to be inattentive, under and/or overactive and perhaps learning impaired, enabling the body to balance both neural growth and neurotransmitter production within the Brain and Central Nervous System (CNS). Attend is formulated to supply the essential building materials for the entire neural network, helping to potentiate balanced stimulation of the Reticular Activating System while aiding the body in appropriate neural buffering within.
How Does Attend Work?
Quite uniquely, Attend is designed to complement the body's natural calming and balancing agents with specific Homeopathic Medicines (Lithium bromatum, Lithium carbonicum, plus others) and neuro-transmitters (GABA, DLPA and other neural buffers) which help to target, direct and smoothly focus attention, while naturally complementing the activity of the Reticular Activating System.
Attend also supplies the essential framework of Lipids and Fatty Acids, natural hormones, as well as neural growth and synchronization factors quintessential for neural and glial cell generation so as to meet the demands of increased neural "traffic" through the Reticular Activating System.
Additionally, Attend supplies the essential catecholamine precursors (such as catechol, phospholipids and natural occurring trans-cis-cloramide, a naturally conjugated form of L-dopa) to dopamine, acetylcholine and norepinephrine, the three most important neurotransmitters within the brain.
And, the natural hormone Pregnenolone is included in Attend to aid in memory retention, which also helps maintain the specific "programming" brain cells need to store and retrieve short term memory, essential in any learning paradigm. Pregnenolone is also directly related to neural genesis, growth and reconfiguration, wherein gene activation is enabled, allowing the multiplication, growth and "connectivity" of neural cells, allowing learning to proceed with less frustration.
Lastly, Pycnogenol®, and other supporting flavanoids within Attend, help feed and strengthen the small capillaries within new neural growth sites, helping to prevent free radical cascade damage to the expanding neural network, protecting neural patterns.
Are There Any Side-Effects With Attend?
No, Attend is completely safe and non-toxic! Unlike other medications, Attend works without the harmful side-effects that may stunt the growth of a developing child. Indeed, Attend works to stimulate neural growth patterning and regenerative activity so as to forge more "connections" within the neural network.
Interestingly, other ADD-specific pharmaceuticals have been suspected of retarding growth of ADD children, which ironically, is the last thing you would want to do to child who has been neurally limited! Furthermore, Attend works without diminishing overall processing, cognitive and learning activities, as does methylphenidate and other drugs, including amphetamines, antidepressants or anticonvulsants normally prescribed for ADD, and all of which have been shown to detrimentally diminish cognitive activity. Attend will likely enhance the positive effectiveness of other pharmaceuticals, and can be used conjointly without difficulty while in transition from less preferred drugs.
How Long Do You Take Attend Before It Begins To Work?
As it takes time for new neural growth to be integrated within existing neural pathways, the effects of Attend generally begin to be noticed within two weeks. You should expect to see improved social skills, more self-control, increased powers of attention, sustained interest, and overall, a more happy, contented, well behaved child.
Children who are exceptionally hyperactive (ADHD) and tend to throw temper tantrums will find additional support with Vaxa's Extress (NDC# 67514-0094-3). Additionally, all children who are ADD/ADHD/LD will find nutritional support from Vaxa's additional supplement called Memorin+ (NDC# 67514-0180-3), which aids in memory retention and makes learning easier with less frustration. For your convenience, our ADD/ADHD Strategy Pac supplies all three formulas (One 60 capsule bottle each of Attend, Extress and Memorin+) with a generous Discount! (More Details Below)
Is Attend Just For Children?
Absolutely Not! Although Attend was originally formulated for attention difficulties in child populations, it can be, and has been, used successfully by adults as well. In fact, Attend is used by several world class athletes, including professional golfers, to help them focus and concentrate on their sport. The only difference, between child use and adult use, is the dosage, So, if you're an adult with ADD or ADHD, or just want more focus and concentration, Attend will be very effective.
How Does Attend Compare Other "So-Called" ADD/ADHD Natural Products On The Market?
Click Here for a Comparison between Attend, BeCALM'd (Neurogenesis) and Focus (Native Remedies). After you compare formulations, your choice will be Strikingly Obvious! Attend is the most advanced, non-pharmaceutical treatment for ADD/ADHD on the market today... PERIOD!
Who Is Vaxa?... Why Should I Trust Your Products?

Since 1987, Doctors, Health Professionals, Clinics and Hospitals, as well as Olympic and World Class Athletes have been safely trusting in Vaxa to meet the requirements for themselves and their patient base and clientele.
Vaxa International has been recognized worldwide as a Leader in the Nutraceutical field. For years, Vaxa's advancements in phytomedicinal combinations and biosystem specificity have made the Nutraceutical industry what it is today, not just in the United States, but worldwide.
Since the late 1980's, our successful pioneering efforts in the use of Free Form Amino Acids, DHEA, Melatonin, Glycosaminoglycans, Homeopathic-Nutritional combinations, and their subsequent worldwide popularization, attest to the seriousness and worth of our research to date.
At Vaxa, we believe in the body's ability to heal itself when given the proper nutrition and we have developed our formulas around that logic. With over 40 highly specific, "ailment-targeted" formulas, we offer solutions for many of life's challenges.